Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Home Remedies for Cavities

A dental cavity is one of the most common causes of toothache and jaw pain. When a small food particle gets lodged in the cavity, it leads to excruciating pain. The toothache becomes worse if the tooth root is exposed due to the cavity. Oral hygiene, healthy diet, good eating habits play an important role in preventing cavities and tooth decay. Before discussing home remedies for cavities, let us first take a look at the causes of tooth cavities.

Causes of Teeth Cavities

The hard white enamel and dentin are the two outer layers of a tooth. A hole in these two layers is referred to as 'tooth cavity'. In the early stage, a hole develops in the enamel and does not lead to any sensation. But as it reaches the dentin, the person experiences pain when the tooth is used to bite the food. With prompt treatment (filling), you can prevent worsening of the situation. If you don't get the cavity filled up by a dentist immediately, then it can become larger and larger and eventually, can reach the pulp. To avoid this situation, you need to know the causes of cavities in teeth.

Tooth Decay: Tooth decay is the main cause of tooth cavity. Bacteria in food particles left on tooth surface produce certain acids which lead to tooth decay. Streptococcus mutans is the most common bacteria which causes tooth decay. When the caries (cavity) is formed in the enamel, it does not cause any pain. But when it reaches the inner layer, the person starts experiencing pain.

Structural Defects: If the teeth are not properly aligned, cleaning becomes difficult. This leads to bacterial growth and tooth decay, resulting in cavities.

Health Disorders: A harsh blow during sports activities and trauma during an accident can result in the chipping of a tooth. Insufficient fluoride in teeth, scarcity of saliva in mouth (dry mouth) can lead to formation of teeth cavities. Fluoride protects the enamel and helps prevent pits, grooves or fissures. Plaque gets accumulated in these pockets and bacterial growth leads to formation of cavities. Chemicals in saliva cancel the effect of acid released by the bacteria and thus helps to stop tooth decay at an early stage. Eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, which involve frequent eating and vomiting, can also be the cause of teeth cavities. Vomiting or even heartburn leads to interaction of the tooth enamel with the stomach acid; which results in gradual destruction of the enamel.

Wrong Diet: Excessive consumption of sugary or acidic foods leads to tooth cavity. Eating hard food like sugarcane, walnuts, etc. can lead to the chipping of a weak tooth. Lack of calcium in diet can result in weak teeth. Cavities are more likely to be formed in weak teeth. You should avoid smoking, frequent snacking if you want to maintain the health of your teeth. Sipping sugary drinks frequently can lead to formation of cavities in teeth.

Symptoms of Teeth Cavities

Early detection of a tooth cavity helps save the tooth with proper treatment. A small cavity at an early stage is likely to go unnoticed as it does not cause any pain. A white spot on the tooth surface indicates loss of minerals from the enamel. The lesion gradually turns into a cavity. Formation of the cavity leads to destruction of the tooth enamel and dentin. Tooth enamel is quite hard but the structure of the dentin is porous. So once the cavity reaches the dentin, it reaches the pulp very fast. As the cavity becomes deeper, the nerve becomes exposed; and then, lodged food particles give rise to extreme pain. Increased tooth sensitivity, pain after consumption of cold or hot drinks indicates cavity in a tooth. Consumption of sweet food and drinks causes excruciating pain. Bad breath is also one of the common symptoms of tooth decay. Development of puss around the tooth results in bad breath. The person may experience pain while biting and foul taste in the mouth. Lack of treatment can result in spread of the infection to the surrounding tissues, leading to life threatening situations. Read more on cavity symptoms.

Home Remedies for Cavities

Both children and adults are susceptible to teeth cavities. Root canal treatment can save the tooth in case of deep cavities. In case of smaller cavities, certain home remedies work great for cavity pain.

Warm Water: Using warm water while brushing your teeth can help prevent formation of bacteria. It helps control pain in the cavity. While cleaning, you should clean all the areas thoroughly. You should not avoid the area where you are experiencing pain. Maintaining proper oral hygiene is essential to avoid cavity pain.

Gargling: Gargling with warm salted water helps kill bacteria in the mouth and throat. It helps get rid of bad breath and foul taste in the mouth.

Clove/Camphor Oil: Applying clove or camphor oil with the help of a cotton swab helps relieve cavity pain. If the oil is not available, you can directly use the clove. A clove exhibits antiseptic properties and pressing the clove with the help of the infected tooth helps relieve the pain. You can even add a pinch of pepper powder to a few drops of clove oil and put the mixture on the cavity. It works great for cavity pain.

Lemon with Asafoetida: Chewing a slice of lime with skin, (which contains ample C vitamin), can help lower cavity pain. Make a paste of asafoetida powder and lemon juice. Heat the mixture slightly and place a cotton swab soaked in this mixture in the tooth cavity. You will feel better within few minutes.

Wheat Grass Juice: Consumption of wheat grass juice which carries several medicinal properties helps relieve toothache by restricting the growth of bacteria.

Garlic and Onion: The anti-bacterial, anti-fungal properties of garlic and onion help relieve toothache. Regular consumption of onion helps prevent cavities. In case of cavity pain, you can place a slice of onion on the painful tooth. Application of garlic paste with rock salt helps relieve cavity pain. Regular use of garlic in diet makes the teeth strong and healthy. The chemical allicin is released when garlic is crushed between the teeth. Allicin carries antibiotic properties. There is no harm in trying these natural home remedies for pain due to cavities.

Ice Therapy: Put some ice cubes in a small zip-lock bag. Wrap it with a hand towel and place it on your jaw, near the painful tooth. Hold cold water or warm salty water in your mouth for sometime, if you can. It will help relieve the pain.

Good Toothpaste: You should always use a good toothpaste which contains fluoride. Some toothpastes come with clove oil as well.

Brushing: You can use any tooth brush for cleaning the teeth but it is necessary to clean the teeth after every snack or meal or drink. Three minutes brushing in the morning and at night can help prevent cavities. Children hesitate to brush before going to bed. It's the duty of parents to watch whether they clean their teeth properly or not. Flossing also helps prevent cavities and tooth decay. Rinsing the mouth after every snack or drink is important.

Healthy Diet: Healthy diet, especially for infants and the elderly, plays an important role in preventing cavity pain. Sugary foods and drinks should be avoided. Sugar triggers the release of acid by the bacteria. A candy which is chewed for 5 minutes leads to less release of acid by the bacteria than a soft drink which is sipped over an hour. Growing children can be given fluoridated water. Intake of fluoride helps strengthen the enamel. Mouthwashes containing fluoride are available in the market.

Over the Counter Medication: If the pain is not relieved with the help of the above home remedies, you can take over the counter painkillers or over the counter anesthetics that are available especially for tooth pain, but after consulting your doctor. Application of oregano oil, olive oil, tea bags also helps get rid of cavity pain.

Remember, during the early stages, a cavity may not be visible but your dentist can locate it with the help of X-ray. Home remedies cannot substitute medical treatment but they can be useful for relieving the pain in the cavities temporarily. Vising a dentist's clinic regularly is essential for preventing cavities. It should be noted that when the extent of tooth decay or cavity is confined to the enamel only or when the decay has not reached the dentin, mineralization (repair) of the enamel is possible with proper treatment.

Is It Possible to Reverse Tooth Decay?

Brushing is such a mundane task. Well, yes task; we don't even consider it as an important step to kick start the day. I know of a few people who don't consider brushing seriously. Brushing your teeth once is a task, then the 'twice a day brushing regimen' kicks the bucket I suppose! It is no wonder you find yourself settled with a shiver racing down your spine on the dentists chair surrounded with equipments and paraphernalia that resemble tools for reconstructing the roadways. Scary sight indeed! Nevertheless, we have to face it, we like it or not. After all brushing your teeth is a habit for which you need to push yourself n number of times! Tooth decay is one of the many troubles that may come our way when you take brushing for granted. It is then that we realize that dental care is so very important. Tooth decay occurs when the tooth structure conjures up to becoming sensitive. There are bacteria in the mouth that result in eliciting an acidic substance due to which the tooth structure survives a breakdown. Tooth decay is not a condition that strikes one day and starts affecting you from the next. It is a state that has a gradual influx and builds up as time lapses. It thrives on neglect. The food materials and bacteria get stuck, build up and form debris in the tooth.

Is It Possible to Reverse Tooth Decay?

This is indeed a million dollar question for those who are really concerned about healing their tooth and making amendments to their regimen. The situation is said to be under control until the decay has not reached the surface of the tooth. It is the surface that gets affected later. The decay has its roots in the enamel causing the decay. Once the surface breaks down, the plaque and bacteria start to gather, thus causing sensitivity towards ingesting anything which is cold or hot. Even when you open your mouth to take in a waft of fresh air, your teeth will shy away and feel extremely sensitive.

What Tooth Decay Can Lead To?

Tooth decay is a condition that should be treated as soon as possible. It is not a condition that is self treatable. You have to shake yourself a bit and get going in order to save your teeth from countering further trauma. Tooth decay, if left untreated can lead to development of holes in the affected tooth, discomfort and a lingering pain, chewing becomes tough also leading to losing of tooth. This condition may also turn fatal when there is a development of infection in the tooth in the bargain. Here are some tooth decay treatments that are natural in their demeanor and may help you reverse tooth decay.

What Can be Done to Reverse Tooth Decay?

There are certain simple ways and methods that can be followed to reverse the process of tooth decay naturally.

    * Extraction of the affected tooth can be one way in which the infection does not spread and halts completely.
    * You may use fluoride toothpaste and as far as possible also a fluoride mouthwash.
    * Use a soft bristled tooth brush that does not hurt your teeth and the gums don't start to bleed.
    * Brush at least twice a day to keep your teeth healthy and get rid of plaque. The build up of plaque can lead to cavities and caries in teeth.
    * You may also use a baby brush and lightly brush out the food particles hiding in the slim crevices of teeth. You don't need to use a toothpaste for that.
    * Maintain a proper diet that does not concentrate on the consumption of sugar.
    * Try and avoid aerated drinks when you suspect tooth decay and extreme sensitivity.
    * Also make a habit to consume water that is of room temperature. Drinking chilled water or having something that is hot can aggravate the situation.
    * Include vitamins and minerals in your diet. Have almonds and green leafy vegetables and increase the calcium content you ingest.
    * Floss your teeth after meals. This is a hygienic habit that one must follow.

With these healthy dental habits, one may not have any questions as to is it possible to reverse tooth decay. Make sure that you follow these steps thoroughly so that you do not face any troubles concerning tooth decay.

Tooth Decay And Gum Disease Are Directly Linked To Your Diet

Tooth decay and tooth loss don't occur overnight. They are the result of years of neglect and abuse by their owner. If you can't control yourself from eating foods that promote plaque buildup, you can and should expect to have dental problems throughout your life. Have you been to the dentist lately for a checkup? Are you eating a diet that supports optimum oral health?

Inside your mouth is good and bad bacteria. That bacterium thrives on sugar and carbohydrates; the more you eat of foods that are rich in those two items, the more the bacteria get to eat. A byproduct of the bacteria eating the sugar is an acidic substance that attacks your tooth enamel and your gum. That acidic byproduct is called plaque and it is the number one enemy of oral health - if left unchecked for periods of time, it will create tooth decay and gum disease.

Foods that assist in optimal oral health are foods that are low in sugars and carbohydrates. Obviously, the more you eat of those types of foods, the more likely you'll have fewer dental problems.

When people think of sugar and carbohydrates, they think of the obvious food choices that are bad for you, such as candy bars, donuts, and pastries. Truth is, those are just the obvious sugar-filled foods. There are more common, everyday foods that should also be eaten in moderation. Some of those foods are milk, breads, and grain products such as cereals. If you were a Hindu holy man, you could simply avoid all foods with high sugar and high carbohydrate content. But since we're all human, it's best to adopt a diet of simple moderation. You can eat the types of foods you want but always remember to brush your teeth after every meal.

Dentists have long preached that snacking in-between meals is bad for your oral health. The average person assumes that refers to eating sugar-filled treats such as donuts and candy bars. While those types of foods are certainly bad for your teeth, snacking in-between meals is bad for you because your mouth will only produce a minimal amount of saliva when you eat small amounts of food. Saliva is one of your natural defenses against plaque buildup.

When you eat a large meal (such as dinner or breakfast that has a variety of food types) your mouth will create a significant amount of saliva to help start the digestion process. Basically, when you eat, you want your body to produce as much saliva as possible, and that requires larger meals.

Do you know what the two most common diseases are and where they are located on the human body? This might shock you: they are located in your mouth! Tooth decay and gum disease are the most common diseases among humans. A very high percentage of the population has gum disease and doesn't even realize it because the disease doesn't cause any pain (at least in its early stages). Both diseases are the direct result of a poor diet and a poor dental care routine. To avoid these two diseases, follow a healthy diet that is low in sugar and carbohydrates, and make sure you brush your teeth after every meal.

Outside of your dental health, a poor diet will diminish your immune system and weaken it. It's been proven that tooth decay and a weakened immune system are linked together; you usually have one if you have the other. In the interest of both your long term oral health and your general health, you should follow a healthy diet.

Water consumption is another important aspect of optimum oral health. If you keep your body properly hydrated, your mouth will produce adequate levels of saliva present at all times. A dehydrated body has low levels of saliva, and that will promote plaque production.

Before you make changes to your diet or your dental care routine, it's recommend that you seek the professional guidance of a licensed dentist in your area. Good luck!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tea helps to fight cavities and a host of other diseases

Along with the common cold and gum disease, cavities are among the most common human afflictions. Studies, by research associations, have found drinking of black tea regularly reduced plaque and helped control bacteria. It was found that black tea could inhibit or suppress the growth of bacteria that promotes cavities and affect their ability to attach to tooth surfaces.

Dental plaque contains more than 300 species of bacteria that adhere to tooth surfaces and produce acid that lead to cavities. Plaque is also a leading cause of gum disease. Black tea was found to have antioxidant compounds polyphenols, which is suspected to kill or suppress cavity causing bacteria from either growing or producing acid. Tea also affected the bacterial enzymes and prevented the formation of the sticky-like material that binds plaque to teeth. It is however necessary that, to help prevent cavities the tea must truly be "black," without sugar, milk, honey or other additives.

As part of the study participants in the study rinsed with tea for 30 seconds, five times, waiting three minutes between each rinse to stimulate what people did while sipping tea. Whereas in a similar study by Goeteborg University, participants rinsed with tea for one minute 10 times per day, showed comparable results. Both studies showed that the more people rinsed, the more their plaque and bacteria levels fell.

Fluoride is another mineral found in great abundance in tea. In fact, tea is one of the very few natural sources of fluoride. Fluoride has made its mark as the most successful agent against tooth decay. Researchers looked at the impact of black tea's fluoride content on preventing cavities but found the benefits less clear as compared to polyphenols.

The polyphenols, found in tea are also found to harbor anti-cancer and anti-heart disease effects. Black tea also helps in managing gastric and intestinal disorders because of its tannins, which decrease intestinal activity and exerts an anti-diarrhea effect.

Black tea also contains theophylline. In addition to improving circulation, the theophylline in black tea helps improve cholesterol levels. It also has been known to expand the airways, making breathing easier for asthmatics. Both green and black teas also contain antioxidants known as flavenoids. Flavenoids play a critical role in protecting us from heart disease and cancer.

The benefits of this cup that cheers seems to be many fold so enjoy your tea and enjoy your health but remember no additives please!